Internal and External Linkage in C++

Ever come across the terms internal and external linkage? Ever wanted to know what the extern keyword is for and what declaring something static does in the global scope? Then this post is for you.


A translation unit refers to an implementation (.c/.cpp) file and all header (.h/.hpp) files it includes. If an object or function inside such a translation unit has internal linkage, then that specific symbol is only visible to the linker within that translation unit. If an object or function has external linkage, the linker can also see it when processing other translation units. The static keyword, when used in the global namespace, forces a symbol to have internal linkage. The extern keyword results in a symbol having external linkage.

The compiler defaults the linkage of symbols such that:

  • Non-const global variables have external linkage by default
  • Const global variables have internal linkage by default
  • Functions have external linkage by default

Table of Contents


Lets first cover two rudimentary concepts that we’ll need to properly discuss linkage:

  1. The difference between a declaration and a definition
  2. Translation Units

Also, just a quick word on naming: we’ll use the term symbol to refer to any kind of “code entity” that a linker works with, i.e. variables and functions (and also classes/structs, but we won’t talk much about those).

Declaration vs. Definition

Lets quickly discuss the difference between declaring a symbol and defining a symbol: A declaration tells the compiler about the existence of a certain symbol and makes it possible to refer to that symbol everywhere where the explicit memory address or required storage of that symbol is not required. A definition tells the compiler what the body of a function contains or how much memory it must allocate for a variable.

Situations where a declaration is not sufficient to the compiler are, for example, when a data member of a class is of reference or value (as in, neither reference nor pointer) type. At the same time, it is always allowed to have pointers to a declared (but not defined) type, because pointers require fixed memory capacity (e.g. 8 bytes on 64-bit systems) and do not depend on the type pointed to. When you dereference that pointer, the definition does become necessary. Also, for function declarations, all parameters (no matter whether taken by value, reference or pointer) and the return type need only be declared and not defined. Definitions of parameter and return value types only become necessary for the function definition.


The difference between the declaration and definition of a function is fairly obvious:

int f();               // declaration
int f() { return 42; } // definition


For variables, it is a bit different. Declaration and definition are usually not explicitly separate. Most importantly, this:

int x;

Does not just declare x, but also define it. In this case, by calling the default constructor of int. (As an aside, in C++, as opposed to Java, the constructor of primitive types (such as int) does not default-initialize (in C++ lingo: value initialize) the variable to 0. The value of x above will be whatever garbage lay at the memory address allocated for it by the compiler.)

You can, however, explicitly separate the declaration of a variable from its definition by using the extern keyword:

extern int x; // declaration
int x = 42;   // definition

However, when extern is prepended to the declaration and an initialization is provided as well, then the expression turns into a definition and the extern keyword essentially becomes useless:

extern int x = 5; // is the same thing as
int x = 5;

Forward Declaring

In C++ there exists the concept of forward declaring a symbol. What we mean by this is that we declare the type and name of a symbol so that we can use it where its definition is not required. By doing so, we don’t have to include the full definition of a symbol (usually a header file) when it is not explicitly necessary. This way, we reduce dependency on the file containing the definition. The main advantage of this is that when the file containing the definition changes, the file where we forward declared that symbol does not need to be re-compiled (and therefore, also not all further files including it).


Say we have a function declaration (also called prototype) for f, taking an object of type Class by value:

// file.hpp

void f(Class object);

Now, the naïve thing to do would be to include Class’s definition right away. But because we only declare f here, it is sufficient to provide the compiler with a declaration of Class. This way, the compiler can identify the function by its prototype, but we can remove the dependency of file.hpp on the file containing the definition of Class, say class.hpp:

// file.hpp

class Class;

void f(Class object);

Now, say, we include file.hpp in 100 other files. And say we change Class’s definition in class.hpp. If we had included class.hpp in file.hpp, file.hpp and all 100 files including it would have to be recompiled. By forward declaring Class, the only files requiring recompilation are class.hpp and file.cpp (assuming that’s where f is defined).

Usage Frequency

One very important difference between declarations and definitions is that a symbol may be declared many times, but defined only once. For example, you can forward declare a function or class however often you want, but you may only ever have one definition for it. This is called the one definition rule. Therefore, this is valid C++:

int f();
int f();
int f();
int f();
int f();
int f();
int f() { return 5; }

While this isn’t:

int f() { return 6; }
int f() { return 9; }

Translation Units

Programmers usually deal with header files and implementation files. Compilers don’t – they deal with translation units (TUs), sometimes referred to as compilation units. The definition of such a translation unit is very simple: Any file, fed to the compiler, after it has been pre-processed. In detail, this means that it is the file resulting from the pre-processor expanding macros, conditionally including source code depending on #ifdef and #ifndef statements and copy-pasting any #includeed files.

Given these files:


#ifndef HEADER_HPP
#define HEADER_HPP

#define VALUE 5

#ifndef VALUE
struct Foo { private: int ryan; };

int strlen(const char* string);

#endif /* HEADER_HPP */


#include "header.hpp"

int strlen(const char* string)
	int length = 0;

	while(string[length]) ++length;

	return length + VALUE;

The pre-processor will produce the following translation unit, which is then fed to the compiler:

int strlen(const char* string);

int strlen(const char* string)
	int length = 0;

	while(string[length]) ++length;

	return length + 5;


Now that we’ve covered the basics, we can deal with linkage. In general, linkage will refer to the visibility of symbols to the linker when processing files. Linkage can be either internal or external.

External Linkage

When a symbol (variable or function) has external linkage, that means that that symbol is visible to the linker from other files, i.e. it is “globally” visible and can be shared between translation units. In practice, this means that you must define such a symbol in a place where it will end up in one and only one translation unit, typically an implementation file (.c/.cpp), such that it has only one visible definition. If you were to define such a symbol on the spot, along with declaring it, or to place its definition in the same file you declare it, you run the risk of making your linker very angry. As soon as you include that file in more than one implementation file, such that its definition ends up in more than one translation unit, your linker will start crying.

In C and C++, the extern keyword (explicitly) declares a symbol to have external linkage:

extern int x;
extern void f(const std::string& argument);

Both of these symbols have external linkage. Above it was mentioned that const global variables have internal linkage by default, and non-const global variables have external linkage by default. That means that int x; is the same as extern int x;, right? Not quite. int x; is actually the same as extern int x{}; (using C++11 uniform/brace initialization syntax to avoid the most vexing parse), as int x; not only declares, but also defines x. Therefore, not prepending extern to int x; in the global scope is just as bad as also defining a variable when declaring it as extern:

int x;          // is the same as
extern int x{}; // which will both likely cause linker errors.

extern int x;   // while this only declares the integer, which is ok.

Example Badness

Let’s declare a function f with external linkage in file.hpp and also define it in the same file:

// file.hpp

#ifndef FILE_HPP
#define FILE_HPP

extern int f(int x);

/* ... */

int f(int) { return x + 1; }

/* ... */

#endif /* FILE_HPP */

Note that prepending extern here is redundant, as all functions are implicitly extern, and separating the declaration from the definition here is also unnecessary. So let’s just quickly rewrite this as:

// file.hpp

#ifndef FILE_HPP
#define FILE_HPP

int f(int) { return x + 1; }

#endif /* FILE_HPP */

This is code one would be inclined to write before reading this article or after reading it but under influence of alcohol or strong drugs (e.g. pop tarts).

So let’s see why this is bad. We’ll now have two implementation files: a.cpp and b.cpp, both including this file.hpp:

// a.cpp

#include "file.hpp"

/* ... */
// b.cpp

#include "file.hpp"

/* ... */

Now let the compiler do its job and generate two translation units for the two implementation files above (remember that #includeing means to literally copy-paste):

// TU A, from a.cpp

int f(int) { return x + 1; }

/* ... */
// TU B, from b.cpp

int f(int) { return x + 1; }

/* ... */

At this point, the linker will step in (linking comes after compilation). The linker will pick up the symbol f and look for definitions. Because it’s the linker’s lucky day, it will even find two! One in TU A and one in TU B. The linker will be so happy, it’ll stop and tell you in a way similar to this:

duplicate symbol __Z1fv in:

The linker found two definitions for the same symbol f. Because it had external linkage, f was visible to the linker when processing both TU A and TU B. Naturally, this violates the One-Definition-Rule, so this causes a linker error. More specifically, this is when you get a duplicate symbol error, which is the one you’ll get most often along with an undefined symbol error (if we had only ever declared, but never defined f).


A common use case for declaring variables explicitly extern are global variables. For example, say you are working on a self-baking cake. There may be certain global system variables connected with self-baking cakes that you need to access in various places throughout your program. Let’s say the clock-rate of the edible chip inside your cake. Such a value would naturally be required in many, many places to make all the chocolate electronics work synchronously. The C (evil) way of declaring such a global variable would be a macro:

#define CLK 1000000

A C++ programmer, naturally despising macros, would rather use real code. So you could do this:

// global.hpp

namespace Global
	extern unsigned int clock_rate;

// global.cpp
namespace Global
	unsigned int clock_rate = 1000000;

(As a modern C++ programmer, you might also want to take advantage of (separator literals)[]: unsigned int clock_rate = 1'000'000;)

Internal Linkage

When a symbol has internal linkage, it will only be visible within the current translation unit. Do not confuse the term visible here with access rights like private. Visibility here means that the linker will only be able to use this symbol when processing the translation unit in which the symbol was declared, and not later (as with symbols with external linkage). In practice, this means that when you declare a symbol to have internal linkage in a header file, each translation unit you include this file in will get its own unique copy of that symbol. I.e. it will be as if you redefined each such symbol in every translation unit. For objects, this means that the compiler will literally allocate an entirely new, unique copy for each translation unit, which can obviously incur high memory costs.

To declare a symbol with internal linkage, C and C++ provide the static keyword. Its usage here is entirely separate from its usage in classes or functions (or, generally, any block).


Here an example:


static int variable = 42;


void function1();


void function2();


#include "header.hpp"

void function1() { variable = 10; }


#include "header.hpp"

void function2() { variable = 123; }


#include "header.hpp"
#include "file1.hpp"
#include "file2.hpp"

#include <iostream>

auto main() -> int

	std::cout << variable << std::endl;

Because variable has internal linkage, each translation unit that includes header.hpp gets its own unique copy of variable. Here, there are three translation units:

  1. file1.cpp
  2. file2.cpp
  3. main.cpp

When function1 is called, file1.cpp’s copy of variable is set to 10. When function2 is called, file2.cpp’s copy of variable is set to 123. However, the value printed out in main.cpp is variable, unchanged: 42.

Anonymous Namespaces

In C++, there exists another way to declare one or more symbols to have internal linkage: anonymous namespaces. Such a namespace ensures that the symbols declared inside it are visible only within the current translation unit. It is, in essence, just a way to declare many symbols as static. In fact, for a while, the static keyword for the use of declaring a symbol to have internal linkage was deprecated in favor of anonymous namespaces. However, it was recently undeprecated, because it is useful to declare a single variable or function to have internal linkage. There are also a few minor differences which I won’t go into here.

In any case, this:

namespace { int variable = 0; }

does (almost) the same thing as this:

static int variable = 0;


So when and why would one make use of internal linkage? For objects, it is probably most often a very bad idea to make use of it. The memory cost can be very high for large objects given that each translation unit gets its own copy. But mainly, it can really just cause odd, unexpected behavior. Imagine you had a singleton (a class of which you instantiate only a single instance), and would suddenly end up having multiple instances of your “singleton” (one for every translation unit).

However, one interesting use case could be to hide translation-unit-local helper functions from the global scope. Imagine you have a helper function foo in your file1.hpp which you use in file1.cpp, but then you also have a helper function foo in your file2.hpp which you use in file2.cpp. The first foo does something completely different than the second foo, but you cannot think of a better name for them. So, you can declare them both static. Unless you include both file1.hpp and file2.hpp in some same translation unit, this will hide the respective foos from each other. If you don’t declare them static, they will implicitly have external linkage and the first foo’s definition will collide with the second foos definition and cause a linker error due to a violation of the one-definition-rule.
